La última semana de febrero ha sido un momento oportuno para luchar en contra de la pobreza energética. Millones de familias, hogares y ciudades carecen de los servicios mínimos energéticos para llevara cabo un desarrollo adecuado de vida. 
Imagina que tú mismo no tuvieras acceso a la red eléctrica de tu ciudad,  ¿podrías cocinar, ducharte con agua caliente o encender tu televisor? por no hablar del acceso a internet en el trabajo o en centro educativo y no menos vital ¿cómo cargarías tu móvil?. Si todo esto te ha dado un poco de vértigo, debes saber que millones de personas viven con estas carencias que para nosotros son impensables. 

Por otro lado, hay muchas ciudades con un gran derroche energético, incluso pueden verse iluminadas desde la mismísima Vía Láctea. Un ejemplo dónde puedes ver este derroche es en las campañas de navidad y la decoración de ciudades que compiten por ser las más iluminadas. De nuevo la balanza deja de estar en equilibrio.
Observa estas fotos tomadas por la NASA de nuestro planeta cuando no está iluminado por el Sol:

Que la sociedad avanza a ritmos vertiginosos no es ninguna novedad, aumenta la población del planeta y con ello la producción de todo tipo de productos que consumimos sin control. Es cierto que distintas campañas de concienciación, nos han hecho un poco más ecológicos, nos hemos acostumbrado a reciclar, reutilizar pero muy poco a ahorrar. Ha llegado el momento de aprender otra forma de contribuir a la sostenibilidad del planeta.
No somos conscientes de cuánta energía desperdiciamos a diario, ni siquiera conocemos en la mayoría de los casos la procedencia de esa energía. Por ese motivo se ha hecho necesaria la reivindicación a nivel mundial de un uso eficiente de la energía en nuestro planeta.

El objetivo de la eficiencia energética no es otro que proteger el medio ambiente mediante la reducción de la intensidad energética y habituarnos a consumir lo necesario y no más. Las emisiones de CO2 que enviamos a la atmósfera son cada vez más, y este ahorro energético puede ser la forma de cuidar al planeta del calentamiento global. 

Las construcciones energéticas están cada vez más en auge, aunque no son pioneras en este campo del ahorro energético. Las casas cueva de algunas localidades han sido el hogar de toda la vida de muchas personas. Su capacidad de mantener en el interior del habitáculo, la temperatura templada en invierno y fresca en verano, las han vuelto a poner de moda para un nuevo tipo de turismo. Recuperar las tradiciones respetuosas con el medio ambiente y darles un toque de modernidad puede ser un buen comienzo para llegar al deseado equilibrio.

Francia y Alemania son países pioneros y muy concienciados en este tipo de construcciones. Os dejo una serie de documentales muy interesantes sobre las construcciones energéticas que están dando a conocer las nuevas casas inteligentes y ambientales. 

Para los futuros profesionales de la arquitectura, albañilería, decoración, ingeniería, construcción, promoción etc y en general, para los habitantes del planeta Tierra, nos puede dar una idea de cómo hacer un futuro realmente sostenible.

What do you think about this suject? Feel free to write your opinion, thanks so much!  


  1. Hi, I'm Nerea, I'm 16 years old and I live in Antequera. Once month ago, I was quite interested in helping to reduce energy consumption, so I decided to do a routine organized in 4 categories.
    In the first category: around the home, I turned off the taps when I brushed my teeth to save water, and I switched off the lights when I didn't need them.
    In the second category: getting around, I went to places walking and sometimes I went by the public transport to pollute as little as possible.
    In the third category: rubbish disposal, I deposited the rubbish in the corresponding container and if I saw any rubbish on the ground, I picked it up and threw it in the corresponding container.
    Finally, in the fourth category: shopping habits, I used my own paper bags and I went to organic shops.
    Actually, I'm keeping up this routine. I'm really pleased with my work, I think I couldn't have done better.
    I really hope that people change and take care of the planet.

  2. Brilliant Nerea!! I fully agree.

    Up to now, this is the only one planet with living things as you and me. We have to take care The Earth.

  3. Hello, my name is Paula. I'm going to talk about recycling. First of all, one of the ways to recycle is while you are washing your hair, for example, close the taps to save water.
    I am a bit disappointed with those people who, use the car or motorcycle, without any need instead of walking, and not pollution so much.
    What really fascinates me is recycling so that everything you throw away can be reusable.
    If you go to a supermarket, ask for paper bags, to eliminate the plastic little, because it pollutes a lot.
    It'd be great if you did these things to get a better world!
    Paula Rojas Peláez. 4ºA

  4. Hi i’m Ignacio and i’m going to talk about my Green Diet. The goal of my Green Diet is to save energy and protect our planet. There are four parts:

    The first is “Around the home” this part is focus on saving energy at home what I do is when I leave a room I always turn off the lights and I never let the electronic devices in standby.

    The second part is “Getting around” this part is about save energy when we transport, the two tips that I do are use public transport and when I can I go by bike.

    The third part is “Rubbish disposal” this section has three important tips, reduce the rubbish that we generate, recycle and reuse some objects that we throw away.

    And the last part is “Shopping habits” I follow two advices in this section. The first one is shopping in local shops before than in large supermarkets and the second one is buying in organic shops.

    This is my Green Diet and this is what I do to save energy and protect our planet.
    Ignacio Blanco Padilla, 4ºA

  5. Hello my name is María. I am going to talk about some things to help the environment. You can do some of these things I am going to tell you.
    - Around the home:
    · Turn off the lights in rooms where you are not.
    · Close the taps well.
    - Getting around:
    · Use public transport.
    · Use by car only when necessary.
    - Rubbish disposal:
    · Do not buy plastic bags for the rubbish.
    · Separate the rubbish.
    - Shopping habits:
    · Use cloth bags to shop.
    · Go to organic shops.
    I hope this has helped you to bring your help to the environment, I help and you?
    María Castillo Arcas 4ºA.

  6. Hello, i am Andrea and i'm going to talk about the Green Diet.There are four parts:

    "Around the home"
    -Some of things we can do to improve at home are:
    ·Shith of the Tv devices when you aren't using them.
    ·Use warmer clothes instead of using heaters.

    "Getting Around"
    -Things we can do outside the home to improve the environment can be:
    ·Go on food or walk instead of taking the car.
    ·Use more the public transport.

    "Rubbish Disposal"
    -Things we can do to avoid contaminating the environment more with our garbage can be:
    ·We can recycling at home,work,school...
    ·Separated the rubbish at home.

    "Shopping Habits"
    -About the shopping hatis some things we can do to help are:
    ·Use more the clothes bag when we go to shop.
    ·Buy the fruit and vegetables in local shops instead in supermarkets.

    -This is my Green Diet where there are some examples of what we can do to help recycle, I hope it helps you.
    Andrea Corrales Navajas 4ºA

  7. It's easy if you think in green!
    I'm looking forward more interesting ideas, thanks so much!

  8. My name is Ricardo and i 'm going to talk about my green diet:

    Two metods to save around the home are turn lights offs when we don't need and put a bucket in the bathtub while the water is heating

    Now, for getting around it'd be grate if we could go walking or cycling instead of going by car.

    To the rubish disponsal I will be very pleased if everyone can recycle their rubbish and reuse the things more than once time.

    To improve the stopping habits we could go to local shops instead the big markets.
    Ricardo A. Delgado Morales 4.A

  9. Hello, I'm Lucía. I'm going to Talk about how my family and I help the enviroment.

    First, when we are at home, we switch off the TV when we are not using them. Also, when we leave a room, we always try to leave the light off.

    If I travel, I use my car because the travel are large, but in my town I go on foot.

    Next, in my house always recicle and when I don't use clothes, I take them to a container for people Who don't have clothes.

    Finally, my family, buy vegetables, fruit, in a local shop of my town and we use reusable cloth bags.

    Lucía Díaz 4°A

  10. Hi, I'm Lidia, I'm 15 years ols and I'm going to talk about my Green Diet.My Green Diet has four different categories.

    First, I'm going to talk about how to reduce energy at home:
    -You could turn off electrical appliances when not in use.
    -It'd be great if we could all agre to switch off the lights in the home when they aren't needed.

    The second category is "Getting around":
    - I think that using the bicycle to get around is a good tip and really fascinates me,because at the same time you are doing sports.
    -Sharing transportation or using public transportation is also a good way to reduce energy.

    The third category is "Rubbish Disposal":
    -I'm quite interesting in using cloth bag to be able to reuse them.
    -Recycling is a very useful tip to reduce waste and to pollute les.

    Finally, the last category is "Shopping habits":
    -Buy the fruits in big supermarkets doesn't appeal to me in the slightest,I think it is better to buy the fruits and vegetables in local shops.
    -It would be very interesting to start a vegetable garden.

    I really hope these tips have been useful to you and that you put into practise!
    Lidia Cabello Aranda, 4ºA

  11. Hello, I m Lucia end I live in Antequera (Málaga). I’m going to talk about the ‘Green Diet’, a project for save energy and protect our planet.
    There are four different areas in which ty to contribute. Now, I feel like I'm much more environmentally friendly.

    In the ‘around the home’ areas, I switch off the TV when I'm not using it and use warmer clothes instead of using heaters. For ‘getting around’, I go to the school on foot and I usually use the public transport.
    I recycling and separate the rubbish, too.
    And finally, in ‘shopping habits’, I go to local shops instead big supermarkets, and I use fabric bags.

    Lucía Blanco Padilla 4ESO A

  12. Hi i am antonio and 16 years old.
    En casa:
    Leave the light on does not appeal to me in the slightest and I am quite interested in spend less water.
    Cycling to school really fascinates me and I never drive to nearby places I prefer to walk.
    Eliminación de basura:
    I am not at all interested in recycling but I reusing the plastic bottle.
    Shopping habits:
    I buy in organic shop but I really hope using local shops and this favor the people.


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