
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2023


 Los alumnos de 3° C han estado trabajando en este proyecto para crear una escuela más sostenible, y como evaluación y para compartir sus aprendizaje han escrito estos informes. Enhorabuena y muy buen trabajo! Hello,we are going to Talk about the activities that web had made about etwining project My scool + your scool= sustantibility. One of the activities was a logo competition ,anda the competition made the groups of every countries that participated team with the other, to make the logo, anda when every group finished their logos, student had to vote which was the last one. One of the last activity we made, was the video call meeting, everyone waited the whole year to finally meet eachother.   The thing that web enjoyed the most was te video call meeting anda all along the etwinning project we have learnt how important recycling and being eco-friendly is .     It's summer and we have finished the course so I'm going to tell you about the project we didn't in the ...

Etwinning project A GREENER SCHOOL

 Los alumnos/as de 4° A han elaborado unas publicaciones para repasar su participación en este proyecto. Enhorabuena! We are to talk about our eTwinning project 'A Greener School'.   Evidently we did a lot of activities with Turkey, Valencia, Italy and obviously Antequera. We did the activities during the course.   We have enjoyed the most Christmas Cards and Growing seeds from the other countries.   Fortunately we could learn more about other cultures and sustainable development.    We are going to talk about the eTwinning project 'A greener school'   We made a lots of activities like presentations of sustainable buildings This happens during the fourth year of high school and we made it with people from Antequera, Valencia, Valenza and Balikesir.   We think the most important activities were when we sew a few seeds that Valenza sent to us and when we drew some logos of our high school.   We learnt things about other countries like Italy and...


Los países miembros de la ONU han alcanzado  ( tras muchos años de debate )   un "histórico" acuerdo para establecer un tratado que proteja la altamar que expertos y organizaciones ecologistas consideran vital para salvar los océanos. El consenso llegó tras una maratoniana ronda de negociaciones que arrancó el pasado 20 de febrero y que tenía previsto su cierre para ese viernes pero que, a falta de los últimos flecos, continuó durante toda la noche y la jornada del sábado. En total, una intensa jornada de más de 35 horas seguidas de discusiones para limar las últimas diferencias. De ahí surge el tratado conocido como 30/30 , este texto sienta las bases para el establecimiento de zonas marinas protegidas, lo que debe facilitar que se cumpla la promesa internacional de salvaguardar al menos el 30% de los océanos para el año 2030. Si quieres más información del tratado   pincha aquí Este tratado, abarca el objetivo 14 de los ODS . conservar y utilizar sosteniblemen...